Hi, *MAVIN* invites all the progressive and professional women for its *Leadership Program for Women - LOVE YOURSELF!*
Date: *4th OCT 2020*
Time: *11.00AM –12.10PM*
Day: *Sunday*
Fees: *1250/- INR (Early bird offer of 699/- INR ends on 20th SEP 2020)*
*A practical workshop that Covers:*

*Importance of feeling good about self*

*Access to self acceptance*

*Epitomize your self-belief*

*Resolve disharmony in you*

*Effects of Forgiveness*
Trainer: *Mita Chaudhary, Your Personal Transformation Coach*
Mita is a holistic transformation coach. Her method of coaching combines philosophies of both the east and west. Mita has more than 25+ years of training experience with 140 business heads with 130000 managers.
*Click below to Register your seat for Masterclass Now*
*Contact us to know about our mentorship program for women in or seeking leadership positions in their lives*
*Your Learning Partner*
*Team Mavin*
*Please share it with all the progressive women in your life!*