*Good Day To All Divine Beings of Light*

*Learn Pendulum dowsing with The Soul Reviver Sandhya*
*What you'll Learn?*

Learn to initiate and attune your pendulum,

Learn Pendulum as a powerful tool of energy channeling,

Learn pendulum as an important tool for connecting to subconscious,

Increase Your intuitive Power,

Make the Right Decisions,

Find the Missing Object/ Person,

Access Your Subconscious Mind To Achieve Love, Success and Happiness in your life,

Get The Right Answer at The State of Confusion.
*Who can Learn this Course?*

Beginners who are curious about pendulum and what it can do,

Those who want to use pendulum for energy cleansing and healing,

Those seeking understanding about pendulum,

Those who believe there is more to pendulum then what they have been practicing,

Those who want to tune in to their intuition
Those who practice Feng shui, Vastu and Lo Shu.
*Whatsapp Course Fee:* 1,100
*With Certificate Course Fee:* 1999/-
*Date :* 29 June to 1 July, 2020
*Time:* 4pm to 5pm
*Contact No. for Registration and query:* 9654-92-8818
*Pre-Registration required*

*Happy Learning*

*Love and Light*

*The Soul Reviver*