*Do you want to build your personal brand, but don’t know where to begin with?*
*Mavin* Invites you to attend a unique session on -
*Blogging for Building Your Personal Brand!*
The session is led by *Abhishek Jain, Digital Marketing Expert*
In this session you will learn about:

1. How to start a blog for FREE?

2. Select your niche in blogging.

3. Writing Content in 4 Easy Steps.

4. Getting Traffic on your blog.

5. How to make money from Blogging?
Day: *Saturday*
Date: *3rd Oct 2020*
Time: *11.00am-12.30pm*
Fee: *1250/-INR (Early bird offer of 999/-INR ends on 20th Aug 2020)*
Your presence matters! Register Now!!
Only limited spots available
Team Mavin Magic
Please share this information with your family and friends!